Wow! I started in Castleberry ISD fourteen days ago. I came to the district feeling confident because I used a lot of the same curricular resources and data management programs. I still feel pretty good about that. What I feel inadequate about is where I am technology wise. I guess I've been hiding in a rock somewhere. I've heard of people using social media and a variety of technology to communicate and learn, but I hadn't explored any of that at all. Well, guess what? I have no choice now. Right away, I joined my colleagues in a Digital Leadership academy. At the end of my first day there, I had Tweeted, blogged, and build a Weebly (webpage) for the first time! I'm thankful that I have the chance to learn how to do all of this in context so that it is meaningful for my role and my content area. The teachers of the group have been great in modeling a program or strategy, then giving us time to practice immediately w...